We havent updated the blog in a while coz internet connection was not great at Little Meadows in Bodmin moor.
We just left there yesterday after staying a week at Sarah's. And she was really an inspiring lady. Coz she was almost 50, she could look at us and tell us that its ok to be where we are in our lives. At the beginning of our journey towards a much more meaningful life. And she was a wonderful host. We were actually her only wwoofers this year! (She is choosy she says :)). She was attentive when appropriate, gave us our space when we needed to. And we had a nice loft in the actual house!
However, I'm not sure about Cornwall. I (crystal) fell sick 3 times in the 3 weeks we were there. That's not usual for me at all. And I dont know what it was really. The experience wwoofing there, the landscape, the winds (its way more windy there) or what it was..?! But there was a stirring that wasnt quite right during my 3 weeks there. Bjorn thinks I'm mad. And most people who've been to Cornwall say its beeeauuutiful. It is i know... But... funny, Sarah was telling us about how she believed in reinarnation... that our souls might have lived different lives in the past etc. I never thought much about it before. But if we use that theory... perhaps in my previous life, I was an enemy of the old people of Cornwall? In west cornwall, there are so many iron age (12th centure BC!) ruins all over the place. Apparently in the whole world, that part of cornwall has the most density of iron age ruins scattered in that small area. So I dont know... maybe I once lived there and experience some kind of trauma? Or maybe in another life more recently, I was one of the many pirates that landed in Penzance? Who knows. All I know is that we're here today, in North Wales, in perhaps (its a bit early to say i know) the best wwoof place to be yet - Old Chapel Farm and though its been raining today, my spirit suddenly feels so much more at ease.
I realised I havent put any photos of cornwall yet on the blog.... so here goes. Here's west Cornwall first... (plan it earth wwoof place). I'll put pictures of Little Meadows (North cornwall) in another entry:
A try- hard artistic shot from Plan it Earths Veg garden
Plan it Earth's wonderful family kitchen.
The stunning Porthcurno beach
The 1mile walk from Lands end to Senna Cove on the most southern western tip of Britain.
great blog and thanks for sharing useful information.
ReplyDelete- St Austell