Whenever you're feeling a little down, maybe stuck in a rut. Maybe you're looking for inspiration, something to do. Or you know your heart is seeking something a little more in life. Something's just not right. Buddha called it Dukkha - a wheel out of kilter. Something's missing. So if you are feeling like this - here's a great site I recommend : www.helpx.net This is a wonderful resource and listing of all the wonderful rural places/farms/B&Bs in the world that need volunteers in exchange for food and accommodation. Its like wwoof, but this organisation has a really good website that wwoof doesnt. Simply because it has 2 things wwoof doesnt. Photos, and reviews.
We have already used helpx.net look for our 2 hosts in Spain last year and they were great.
Now am feeling a little out of it, so will spend some time browsing the wonderful places I could go to. Shall I start in Asia? Or shall I venture to Americas today?
Another resource fantastic for wanderlusts like us if you havent already heard of it

The internet really is taking over the world in many aspects. But I am sure glad that its serving alot more good than we ever thought possible. People are given voices. And things are alot more 'open' and transparent than ever before.