We are back in Singapore now... And Sunday's departure from Fuji Eco Park was not the easiest.
It was raining extremely heavily, and Bjorn lost his mobile phone... and it just felt that we only just arrived, got to know the people, the land, the animals and we're leaving already. It was all too soon.
We were showered with so many gifts from the wwoofers. We got a fantastic powerpoint presentation from our Taiwanese friends that I will use to show all my family and friends what we got up to in the last 10 days! The Swedish girls folded us a cute tulip flower and a swedish flag, Non wrote us a very impressive english postcard... and Haru... her tears were so touching, and she gave us a little hamster stuff toy which I have named 'Umeno', which mean plum fields and also Harus surname...
We then travelled back to busy city Tokyo, and almost immediately, I could feel my spirit closing into a shell inside me. Not that I didnt enjoy the city lights, the great food at the restaurants and all. But the more distractions I have in my life... the less time I will have to listen to my own heart. Maybe there are those that can easily retreat into their own space and world amidst all the chaos. But I know I need to be surrounded by peace to find my own peace... I mean, look at how long I took to write in this blog again! Being home in Singapore feels comfortable, but I feel incredibly lazy here.
Here's a photo of the 'Rice pack' they made for us for our journey back to Tokyo... So cuuutttee! Coz they know I always get hungry... hehehe. Its rght before we devoured the delicious rice to find a gorgeous plum right in the middle. YUMMMY!

Thank u Masa, Waka, Haru, Non, Aki, Ringo, Miyuki, Elin, Sussane, Shinco, Daichi, all the rest of the chicken, the 2 sheeps, the insects, the weeds, the herbs, the flowers, the woodchips and of course Mount Fuji... for this amazing experience.

The final photo in centre house
Shinco, our pampered pet hen...

Kami (i think) the naughty sheep!
Here's a link to their blog: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/fujiecoparkvillage - And guess what... Ume has written a lovely entry about us in Japanese! I love u guys... :) :) :) I will use google translate to see what you've written...
Here's a little rhyme I wrote for their blog..... I thought I should share.
I used to write poems alot in secondary school... and then, lost it somewhere between the hormornes stopped raging, getting boyfriends, and starting work. I wanna start again...
I have been searching all my life for a place
Let me meet nice people and live life at slower pace
Over the mountains was paradise as far as the eye can see
Voices in my heart was calling out to me
Everyday we work, play and learn something new
Feeding the hens & daichi the dog to name a few
Untold stories we wwoofers share with each other
Joking, cooking & witnessing the chicken murder
Its a magical place where flowers and weeds alike grow
Even shinco, the injured hen get to give life another go
Could this be heaven on earth, yes i would say
Oh rest assured we'll be back to Fuji eco village park one day!