Saturday, 9 May 2009

Perfect Mount Fuji

Simply stunning. We had simply gorgeous sunny weather today and oh my god. I dont know how to describe the beauty my eyes and my being has absorbed today.I stepped out of our hut and saw that the dandelions had come out to play. And working against the backdrop of fuji in full view.... is just priceless. There's something abotut that mountain. Its perfect shape and symmetry... it's perfect snowcapped top. Its the mountain we all drew as children. Everytime I accidentally gaze upon it, I am again at awe. Simply at awe.

Today, I did more weeding in another herb spiral garden & keyhole garden. This one was more tiring as it had fuller on weeds! We also fed the earth worms we dug out to the injured chicken, shinco. I took the dog, Daichi out for a walk after lunch, and didnt lock him up properly... as a result he ran away! But eventually came back. I dont think a dog should be caged up, and on a leash... he will never get to run about in his full potential. Bjorn and I are knackered. He spent the day cleaning the chicken house with Aki. Now he's almost snoring away on the comfy chair.

And our food... my god. We've been eating wonderful vegetarian japanese food since we got here. But we've not pooed yet! (I know... TMI...) This sounds not right obviously because eating more veges shold mean we should poo more. But our situation is a bit different... coz we've been pooing twice a day since we got back from London about a month ago.... which equates to kind of diarrhea due to the not so clean and healthy but very yummy south east asian food. And now... our bodies are going into shock because its not used to suddenly eatng such good food! So its taking a while to ease into it. At least thats what I hope!

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