Friday, 19 June 2009

Crooked End Farm

Now this is what I call organic farming.

We've been here, at the crooked end farm, their blog: and our hosts Brenda and Bruce have made us feel right at home.

They have 14 acre of land, a bunch of pigs (yum yum, their organic bacon is reeeeally good, the best I've tasted in my whole life), Lots of laying hens, sheep, and lots of organic vegetables (duh)!

In the last couple of days, we planted leeks, picked salad leaves for the shop, fed the hens, collected their eggs (at least 2 times a day), fed and moved the pigs, cleaaned the chicken houses (yuck), weeded, watered, transplanted tomatoes and .... ate good food. There's so much to do, there's never enough time. And I guess this is what it really means to do this for a living. Brenda and Bruce are constantly working! Of course, the two gorgeous kids, Lottie (2 and a half) & James (6 months) are quite a handful as well. Which other 2 and a half year old can remember my name within the first hour of meeting me, and recalls it clearly? She's better than most people I've met!

Anyway, here are some snap shots of us this week! Will be here for 3 weeks.

Wwoofing is the life. Work for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, food to eat, place to sleep, meeting wonderful (and some strange) people, and of course, the bloody gorgeous countryside.

The cosy little caravan we are living in.

Percy the horse & two other fellow wwoofers - Erin (left) and Callie (right) both from America.

Feeding Mabel, the pregnant Gloucestershire Old Spot sow with bolted lettuce.

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