If I had to pick just one reason, only one reason why I prefer to live in the country and not the city... the reason has to be - the stars. Might have mentioned stars before in the blog, but it's truly one of those things thats quite out of this world (almost literally!) and worth mentioning all the time. In fact, its a wonder how we can forget about them during the day. When we look up in the sky, like in today's sky, we saw the bluest sky blue, and a few clouds made by aeroplanes. We dont see the stars because the sun's light overpowers. We forget that there are billions of other planets, galaxys, quite possibly intelligent life other than ourselves out there. During the day, we're pretty much thinking we're all alone in this. Going about our busy day, working, living, etc. Then at night, on a clear night, without any light pollution, the most spectacular show is put on display. More stunning, heart-grabbing, profound than any other 3D, special effects, fireworks display etc can ever try to create. The stars... oh my god. And if you have a wider sky above you, with less buildings and such,.. you get wider angle view of it all.
Think me whimsical, think me idealistic and foolish. But if you are not able to be astounded as a clear sky with stars, so clear u can see the white glistening band of the milky way, containing the billions of planets and solar systems, just like ours all sharing one galaxy (I think I got that right) and feel complete wonder, then I feel sorry for you. Coz that feeling is so real, so immense, gives me tingles from head to toe just thinking of the power I see before my eyes. We need star gazing once in a while to just set everything back to perspective. It does that very very well.
Tonight is one such night. So was yesterday. If it was less cold, I would lie outside to look at it for ages.
Singapore has no stars. You know what I mean,... we can't see them. We never do. There are probably 3 shining things we see, and they probably satelites. It's a sad thing to go through everyday life without seeing stars. And maybe we are the way we've become, is coz we don't get the chance to put things back in perspective as often as other places.
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