Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Oasis in the desert mountains

We´ve arrived in our new hosts´place and wow what a difference to the UK. Our friendly host Silverio picked us up at the airport with his 2 darling children and we drove into the desert mountains where they lived. We were delighted to find out that we were going to stay in the cottage usually reserved for his paying guests! Shiok la. Click here for his website to see our accomodation. Luxury!

The views - we can say is achingly beautiful and nothing I´ve ever seen before. And their house, simple, handmade and painted, what a real honest casa.

Our first job (and I think will be our main jobs for the next 2 weeks!) is picking up stones from the mountain and building stone walls around his garden. Trust chinese people to build walls! Its in our blood isnt it? Haha. But dont underestimate how hard it is picking up stones and moving them. Bloody hell, our bodies were screaming in protest after about half an hour. Not used to physical work after our almost 3 week rest. But today´s better.

Oh and it like doesnt rain here ever. Last year, it rained 3 days and I think it hasnt rained yet this year. Its a struggle to water his plants and prevent them from dying totally. In England, when the sun doesnt shine, the plants will still grow, albeit slowly. Here, no rain means no life literally. The whole house is powered by solar panels and wind turbine.

The conversations are a little more difficult because of the language barrier but we get by. And the whole family has just been super welcoming and hospitable. It feels a little like we´re in a Spanish foreign film in the desert. With howling dogs and random cactuses here and there. We wont be able to update the blog as often as there´s no broadband or wireless in this rural area. So we will try our best. Here are some pics for now!

Crystal building a stone wall thingie

Our little cottage and a tiny green oasis (that treats & recycles our waste water)

Chillout area with a view (excuse the unsightly mop)

Bjorn pointing to our very first wall we made in our lives!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Yeah... trust the Chinese kids to build walls huh? :P Great to be reading about your woofing adventures again. I'm quite inspired to do it myself too. Coool...
