I love travel because it always brings about heightened senses. The dulled brain suddenly awakens to everything foreign and different.
We've been here in Bali for 5 days, and already, our lives are not the same anymore. We have been staying in a little cottage in Umekuta village, 25 mins drive from Ubud, with no hot water or air con. But already its luxury compared to what the Balinese farm life is all about. And we've met a few incredible people already. It's amazing, the speed of which one can find people who are like minded and like hearted. Gede and Darsi from Bai runga farm, Made from Utama Spice, Tasha building her cob house, and Lenkong & Lisa from Fair Trade Indonesia.
But alas, we have to go back to Singapore for a short while, my dearest grandma has passed on, her soul and body returning to the earth and we have to get the next flight back home. So our journey is put on hold for awhile to take care of family for now.
Will elaborate further on the 5 days we've had so far. Leaving this wifi cafe to get back to pack.
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