Saturday, 12 November 2011

Turning water into wine

The biggest cost we can incur in our now very frugal life always comes down to providing ourselves with some form of entertainment, and entertainment in the countryside boils down to having copious amounts of booze. Making your own booze is actually not as hard as what many people make it out to be, fermentation is a natural process a gift given by god and a process undertaken by ancient civilizations for thousand of years . All it takes to make some alcohol is to leave some sugary fruits alone and volia alchoal is born! Making alchoal is easy, but making good booze is almost an art that requires a whole deal of work: getting the right equipment is the first step, demijohns, food grade fermentation bucket, campedan tablets, mashing bins, pressure barrels. Then focus has to be put into sterlising the equipment making sure that the solution coats everything!! Getting the proportion right, heating the mash, stirring it, straining it, pouring insane amounts of sugar, decanting it, racking it and bottling it. It is a long and arduous process and enjoying the fruit of your labour is still at least a year away, making your own booze is a true test of one’s patience. But I had none and sneaking a drink from the demijohn has left me with a groggy headache too often for my liking. Cheers to all!!

Picking dandelion for wine

Yummy flowers
1 more year, 1 more year


Yeasty mess

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