More and more as the days go by, it feels like our dream of escaping to the country becomes more and more real. Here, when people hear that you used to work in the city, in front of a computer all day, they feel so sorry for you. And when we see for our own eyes, people really doing it. And I mean, getting up each day, tending to the animals, prepare what to do in the garden that day, whether its sowing, weeding, harvesting, repairing etc. Then preparing each meal yourself, eating with your family and enjoying the beauty of your home and its surroundings. What more can you ask of life really?
Old Chapel farm has been a big inspiration for us. The building work especially for me (Crystal). What Fran and Kevin is doing is what we wanna do too. Their glow of positivity and calm (not chaotic) energy definitely rubs off people. I can spend all hours writing and blogging about it. But it defeats the purpose of being out here, surrounded by all this 'free' beauty. So i'll let pictures tell the story...
Meal times in the dining room.... wwoofers and family and friends all eat together.

Fran and her lovely kitchen which a perfect washing up view of sheep on the hill.

The 17th century barn they are restoring. We plastered this outside wall with lime & just painted it yellow today. Will finish up tomorrow and take down scaffolding!. Love building work!

Cheerful Kevin and his tea chilling out on a wheelbarrow after a days work.

Fellow wwoofer Shine from Taiwan & Julian from France drying the potatoes they just dug up!

Quirky thatched roof shed that a Taiwanese wwoofer who stayed 6 months built last year! Plus yurts in the background.

Bjorn and the barn we've been working on...

View from the top scaffolding of Old Chapel Farm! The 'old chapel' is actually right in the middle of the 2 long houses. Restoration work is also going on there.

Bjorn's new obession... hunting for rabbits (still unsuccessful)

Crystal's new favourite thing to do... cut and arrange wild flowers. I mean... they are free!!!

Campfire, beers & star gazing with fellow wwoofers. What else can we ask on a Saturday night?

Beazel, the 3 year old golden retriever sitting by the pond...
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