Wednesday, 26 August 2009


We've been Scotland now for only less than 24 hours, and what a fantastic timne its been so far!

Arrived in rainy Edinburgh last evening and after climbing up a hill to our hostel overlooking the castle, we found outselves int he middle of the Edinburgh fringe festival! An array of scottish celebrations lined the moody, coal stained streets.

We saw a young folk band jamming away, and then came across this really hearty scottish bagpipe/drums group that utterly stole our hearts with their long haired, kilt-wearing, william wallace like roar and spirit! My oh my.

Then out of nowhere, this middle aged man stole a photo of bjorn and I having a beer on the street and we started chatting. We then met his partner who was a free artist and then proceeded to spend the rest of the evening having beers and chatting with lovely Eric and Alison from Edinburgh about travel, genetics and the greatness of women!

We have not yet, in our 2 and a half years spent in the UK have ever had strangers come up to us to chat, let alone then spent the rest of the evening sharing and chatting, with an offer to star at his place the next time we come to edinburgh.

That night we stayed in our very uber cool hostel - Castle Rock hostel, my first time ever staying in a hostel with 8 other people sleeping in one room, was probably one of the best sleeps ive had this whole trip. Clean, dust free, lovely soft mattress my body just sank into. And our hostel mates were very considerate and friendly.

Now we're on the west railway from glasgow to fort williams, and the scenery, albiet the gloomy wetaher, is stunning. I spotted a deer staring back at me on the train, we've past waterfalls, lochs and lush hills.

We're going to be in Scotland for 8 weeks and I cant help but feel that perhaps, scotland, and its charm, comparing to more glamorous european counterparts is delightfully underrated. Good for us. Im excited to spend my 29th birthday in this historical land filled with passionate blooded people. - Crystal

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