The last week at Jordi's in Balaguer, Catalunya of Spain has been really really fantastic. Olive harvesting is not as backbreaking as I had anticipated. But we've only done 4 days of it... 5 hours each. If you had to do it for 2 months straight I guess it takes its toll. The method we use is with a 'comb' and we brush the olives off their branches. Its quite a sweet, elegant and nurturing process if you ask me. And time goes by really quickly when you're working a tree. I also get to climb these 300 year old (estimated) trees like a monkey. Always loved climbing trees when I was little, but I never really had many chances to in Singapore. Human evolution have probably given children instincts to climb trees as it was a way of getting out of harms way of predators and floods (or parents). Overall, its enjoyable. Considering its the ONLY thing we've done and will be doing for the coming week.
Jordi is one good guy. He's a teacher, speaks almost perfect english, and french as well as spanish and catalan. He volunteers at a hospital once a week taking care of cancer patients. He helps with blood donation drives. He grows about 80% of this own food and food for us. Is an incredible cook (really really). And grows these cancer curing plants calls - Kalanchoi all over his small apartment. There are probably heaps of other things he's involved in as well, but one things for sure. He's a good guy and we enjoy doing work for good people.
We're at our final week of wwoofing now. In a week's time, we'll be back in Singapore. So many dreams I've been having, strange ones of us coming back home and its all weird. We're definitely looking forward to the food. We've already made a list of places and things we wanna gorge on when we are back. Muthu's curry, fei fei wan tan mee, siglap mee pok ta, katong laksa, the list goes (painfully for us no) on and on. Anyway,... hope to see u all soon. :)
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