Tsk tsk tsk.
Since we've been back, we've not been very good. Here's a list of bad things we've been up to:
1. Have been driving the car everywhere.
2. The only walking we've done has been in shopping malls. (and to and from the car to our house)
3. Have been eating anything we see we like without any concern for its impact on the world. Lunch today was the 'freshest' salmon airflown from Norway.
4. We've been 'hiding' in our air conditioned bedroom at about 21 degrees celsius, showering with hot hot water at perhaps 40 degrees celsius.
However, the good stuff are:
1. We havent really spent any money yet, not buying into the whole consumerism shit. Next week we're going to Hong Kong and that will be a true test of our will against the glitz of the shopping malls.
2. Not sure if this one counts, but bjorn has sworn to quit instant noodles and me, to quit luncheon meat. Yes... those yummy delicious guilty snacks we grew up with. Our minds brainwashed to love and our tastebuds to savour. Gone, quit, never ever.
3. Im having trouble looking for another point here. Sad eh?
We need to not forget all the stuff we've learnt. We've only been back a couple of days, so will not start a revolution yet. I suppose.
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