For all nature's history it was never possible for our species , or any species for that matter to be able to occupy a geographical space more than the space can sustain the people. This means we could never be more people on island than there could be food in that area to feed it.
That was until the industrial revolution changed everything, and made transportion of goods and trading a thing of norm. Thats the only way Singapore, a size of our island can 'sustain' all 5 million of us.
Without our airflown fruit and veg and meat from all over the world (more and more from further and further away like Australia, a good 5 hour to 9 hour flight away depending which part), Singapore would never be able to get so dense in population. All our food (and everything else) arrives in our airports and at our port. We're literally a freak of nature. No other country is really like us, we're the one of a kind. And 100% man made. And I think our accolade of having the largest man made waterfall in the world says alot about who we are and what we take pride in.
Most big cities are freaks of nature as well, but super metropolis like London and Tokyo at least still can probably get their food by trains, by bicycle or even by bloody foot if other oountries won't (or cant) sell us stuff anymore. But us in Singapore, we have no resources and we have no where to run if everything suddenly stops working and we stop receiving what we ordered.
Singapore is like the Titanic, an independant floating vessel carrying too many people than health and safety should allow, and surrounded by water. Both, too ambitious for its time. Charging forward too fast for its own good.
And seeing how we're developing recently, feels like the moments just before the Titanic sinks. All glitzy and flashy... hosting the Formula One (first night time formula race), buildings like the Singapore Flyer (biggest one at the moment) and ION (tallest residential building in the world), and opening 2 Integrated Resorts at the same time. Everyone living it up, oblivious to the disaster nature is about to unleash on us.
We gotta grow own food man. Who wants risk relying on the delivery guy for all the days of your life? It's crystal clear that to ensure a sustainable future, we got to quit relying so much on the whole import export thing. We're living in a very precarious situation here man. Dense as hell. 200 families living in one block. We're vertical slums. Even if we made every rooftop garden to grow food, every football field to veg plots, every green patch, will that we be enough?
If we're not careful, if we're not far sighted enough, Singapore might not survive the next 500 years. We did well for the last 150 or so. Will we just be short bright spark instead of a long warm fire in history books of the far future? I wonder. And how much longer will the spark be alight?
All I know is that I dont want to be around when we sink.
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