Monday 29 March 2010

our new life

Its now one year and 12 days since our last day in the office. One year and 12 days of freedom, of not forcing ourselves to do something we didnt believe in. Doing stuff we didnt care about. And we are still alive today. We did not starve. We discovered how little we can survive on. All those stuff we thought we needed. Cab rides, new clothes, new stuff in general. No need. Travel was still a priority and we would do whatever it takes to do it. But its like we got our priorities right this time.

What is it about working in the city that makes use forget the basic things that make us happy? Its like everywhere we turn, we see people depressed about their jobs. Complaining about how they hate their bosses, their work. Too stressed. No time for family etc etc. And they say this while driving around a car they took a 70K loan on, living in a condo they took a 600K loan from, paying 800 for a maid to wipe the shit of their childrens bum. We all create our own commitments. We all put limits on our own lives. We do. Most singaporeans I know do. Come on. Its not as if we are struggling villagers in the 3rd world earning US100 a month and supporting a family of 8. We're lucky enought to not be those. We are the ones who have to have our regular spa visits, our handphone upgrades, our big plasma screen tv and shopping extravaganzas in Bangkok and Hongkong. We are the ones who for the sake of impressing the boss, stay in the office till 8 or 9 o clock, forsaking our children at home while they play and bond with the maid. So we can keep our decent paying jobs to afford our regular trips to coach, nine west, and once in a while trips to LV or Prada.


A friend of mine today commented on how much money is at the top of most singaporeans priority in lives. I mean, we need money to survive. But how did it come to be that we let money dominate our lives? We have become so blind to whats important that we just follow social norms without listening to our hearts anymore. I just really hope that more people will wake up to matter, live life instead of just getting flushed through it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys, I hope you all are well. I'm a fellow Singaporean who started WWOOFING in 2013, 2014. Agree with most of the points you have realised about Singapore, i.e. it being quite disconnected from nature. Glad to see others on the path to lead the simple life as well :)

    Thank you for sharing your love on this blog, best wishes to the both of you.

    Best regards,
