Tuesday 27 April 2010

The vegetables tastes earthy - post earth day rant

This evening, our mom told us that the organic vegetables that we bought for her to cook had an earthy taste which the normal unorganic vegetables she bought didnt have. My sense of taste is generally quite poor. So everytime someone tells me about how something tastes like which I dont get, I get curious and tend to ask a lot of questions on it.

So anyway, she says that the organic vegetables had a 'soil' taste. And the only obvious reason for it of course is that it was grown in soil! Unlike most of our 'normal' vegetables, which are grown hydroponically in chemical nutrient solutions. Thats why you never see an insect hole, they are all perfectly shaped, not a blemish in sight, bright and almost neon green sometimes.

Come on, how can anyone not notice the difference in vegetables we all ate in the 80s and the ones we eat today? I remember how I'd find a caterpillar in my sambal kang kong once in a while, and how the kai lan were always holey. The rice definitely have a lot more weavils. Nowadays everything looks so darn perfect.

Some people call it R&D, I call it a stupid, careless, selfish, short-sighted con. A con that most people fallen for in the last decade. We have been conned by the chemical industry, the processing food industry, the pharma industry, supermarket industry. And the con is simply that we've been made to believe food that looks prettier & lasts longer is better for you and the ones you should spend your money on. Even though they have poisons in it (which u helped pay for) that will cause your very slow and painful death.

So the next time someone says the veg tastes 'earthy', tell them congratulations, they are one meal less from being slowly poisoned to death. And that they are eating vegetables, grown on earth (the planet), on earth (the soil), the way it has been for the last 12,000 years - the tried and tested way. Until some 'clever' people decided about 100 years ago that it was a good idea to use new experimental poisons to make them grow sans earth/soil - so that the brainwashed people of the new consumerist world can buy them once a fortnight so they can store it in their fridge and still look pretty after 10 days & not die of shock of seeing an insect in their 'earth' - food.

We're earthlings. We can only eat food that's produced on earth. No where else.

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